our partners

Britalians tv

Britalians TV is the Global Network of Gems' International Media Partner, they amplify the Network's message helping to disseminate information about its activities, initiatives, and goals to a global audience. This includes coverage of the Network events, interviews with the Network officials, and Documentaries about the Gems and related topics.

Thanks to their Documentaries, Britalians TV promotes and facilitate Dialogue and Understanding between different cultures and perspectives by providing a platform for diverse voices and point of views.

Britalians TV shines a spotlight on the positive changes shaping our world. By focusing on economic growth, environmental sustainability, education, transportation, public health, equity, arts and culture, urban development and technological innovation, they showcase the inspiring stories and initiatives that are improving lives in cities and towns around the globe.

They help to mobilize public support for the Global Network of Gems campaigns and initiatives by creating compelling content that inspires action and makes a positive impact. 

humans of the world

Humans of the World is Britalians TV's flagship TV Show bringing diverse world's destinations to life and letting viewers connect with the human element of each place while promoting the destination’s environmental, landscape, artistic, cultural and enogastronomic heritage as well as the greatest perks about living, working and doing business in the diverse destinations it dives in. 

The Show promotes the pursuit of truth, positivity and global citizenry through the power of curiousity and dialogue.

Humans of the World helps to extend the reach and impact of the Global Network of Gems' work capturing diverse audiences from Travel Enthusiasts to Culture Lovers looking to explore new places, immerse themselves in diverse experiences across the world, relax, adventure, develop themselves or adding a new destination to their bucket list.

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